Wednesday, April 26, 2017

PTF Incorporated, SE Wisconsin

Growing economic opportunities with FDI doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes it can take years of courting and negotiation to attract industry to the region. The courting of Precision Technology Inc. by the RacineCounty Economic Development Corporation began in 2011, two years before PT Inc. set up a U.S. division in Sturtevant, WI.
Sturtevant is a small but rapidly growing village in southeastern Wisconsin’s Racine County. The company produces precision parts and assemblies for industry, and employs about 50 people. Oliver Zintl, CEO and General Manager of PT Inc., decided that southeastern Wisconsin was the best location to invest in because of its central location, existing customers in the region, and because Gateway Technical College is a great source for highly trained talent to bring into the company.

The decision to open up shop in SE Wisconsin is also expected to provide a jobs multiplier effect by generating interest in the area from other foreign companies looking to invest and expand into the region.

1 comment:

  1. It is always great to learn about new businesses in Wisconsin. It seems that this company took into account all of the different factors involved with startup of a business. It was wise to put a company in a rapidly growing village. This way they have the opportunity to be the first in the area and can gain new, loyal customers hopefully before there is any competition nearby. - Lorreen McCabe
