Monday, February 6, 2017

Hello World!

Hello International Business-SP17-931C-1052 Classmates, and welcome to the FDI Wisconsin Blog.
Our intention for this blog is to write about and discuss the ways Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) affects and shapes the way our state and local economies work, and the impact that it has on business, commerce and individuals in the state of Wisconsin.

FDI is an incredibly important part of Wisconsin's economic outlook. According to the Organiztion for International Investment, investments by foreign companies have insourced approximately 88,000 jobs for Wisconsin. The top foreign countries investing in Wisconsin are Canada, the U.K., and Germany. The investments cover a wide range of business, from wholesale trade to finance and insurance, but the number one investment is in manufacturing, with almost half of all FDI.

We'd like to encourage people to respond to our posts with questions and observations so we can make this an interesting and engaging learning environment. Thanks for reading!

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